joi, 5 septembrie 2019

Weight Loss Foods For Women

If you are reading this article, chances are you want to change your diet. You may have tried every "diet" on the planet only to realize that most of them work in the short term, not for the long haul. This is because most diets cannot be maintained, are too limited and boring, unhealthy or all of the above. There are some simple tips you can follow that will become so integrated into your life which will make it easier to become your new lifestyle. Let's get specific.

You need to understand that eating mini-meals every 3-4 hours is key to weight loss. Plan on eating 5 times per day which means you will not be hungry or feel deprived. It is important to choose natural, whole foods as much as possible at every mini-meal which are lower in calories, high in fiber and nutrient-dense. You need calories to live and have energy as long as they are the right kind of calories. If you take in more calories than you burn throughout your day, then you will gain weight regardless if they come from good foods or highly processed, bad foods.

What should you eat? If you were to create your own food pyramid, it would look like this: the bottom of the pyramid would include lots of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit per day. You should have at least 4 servings from this part of the pyramid every day. The next tier includes good quality protein sources like chicken, fish, beans, legumes, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. The next tier in your pyramid should include whole grains, however, only 2 servings per day which include brown rice, quinoa, barley, corn grits, couscous, cream of rice, oat bran, rolled oats, wild rice and pasta made from whole grains or brown rice. When it comes to serving size, make a fist with your hand and look at it - that is a serving size which is about one cup.

Here are some tips that will help you succeed:

1. Skip white potatoes - even though they are nutritious, they are full of potassium which unfortunately, sends your blood sugar through the roof and increases cravings for more food.

2. Limit your intake of sweet potatoes or yams - even though they are full of vitamins and phytonutrients, they are quite high in calories and carbohydrates so enjoy them about twice a week.

3. Stay away from dried fruits and choose fresh whenever possible - dried fruits are overly concentrated in sugar and calories and are often full of additives and preservatives. Whole, fresh fruit, preferably organic are full of fiber, vitamins and minerals and will keep you full longer.

4. Avoid processed meats altogether - they are high in fat and sodium nitrates and not a good quality protein source.

5. Learn to use fresh herbs - they do take a little time to chop up but they add so much more flavor than dried. Adding fresh basil to a salad or fresh rosemary to a chicken recipe will transform your meal into a gourmet feast instead of a boring meal.

6. Make your own salad dressing with fresh ingredients - you will not believe the difference in taste compared to bottled dressings. Here is my favorite that I make with the remains of organic peanut butter right in the jar.

Peanut Butter Vinaigrette

When you get down to the remains of peanut butter in the jar - add 1/4 cup Rice Wine Vinegar, 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil, pinch of red pepper, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tsp. Sicilian herbs sea salt and pepper to taste and shake well. You will love it over leafy greens.

Dont' give up! If you indulge on vacation or a special occasion, do not beat yourself up. Get right back on track as soon as possible and enjoy your healthy lifestyle.

miercuri, 14 august 2019

Good or Bad for You? 5 Favorite Foods to Avoid

At the start of every year, we make plans in the form of resolutions to change our lives for the better. Included in those plans, is one of the most popular commitments we make to ourselves--eating healthier! To start anew with a healthy diet, learn which favorite foods are bad for you, then select a more natural option.

Here are the top 5 culprits acknowledged by dieticians, and unveiled for you.

Number 1: Deli Sandwiches

You can get a healthy looking deli (delicatessen) sandwich packed with healthy toppings-covered with a smart choice of whole grain or rye bread-and still increase your risk of Cancer.

Processed meat products, such as cold cuts are commonly used in deli sandwiches, which contain toxic N-nitroso (nitrate derived) compounds. What is the alternative? Find a deli store that uses whole cuts of meat, sliced without the chemical stuff or better yet, make your own.

Number 2: Peanut Butter

Yes, so true! This delightful high protein source contains unnecessary amounts of hydrogenated fat, high amounts of sodium, and added sugar. Eating much of this popular snack will increase your chances of a heart attack.

Make no mistake peanuts are ranked among the super foods to include in any healthy diet. Filled with "good" fats, peanuts are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils, which lowers disease risks. Try making your own peanut butter or buy a ready-to- mix brand, such as "Smucker's Natural" peanut butter; this happens to be my favorite choice.

Number 3: Creamy Spreads

Remember when we were told that margarine is better than butter? Well, as it turns out margarine is loaded with both saturated (animal fat) and trans fat (hydrogenated fat) both known for their evil in clogging arteries. Other vices are creamy salad dressings and Mayonnaise.

A tip: read labels--if they include "hydrogenated & partially hydrogenated oils--avoid them. Oil and citric based dressings can be applied as substitutes, where appropriate on meals. Example of dressings: vinaigrette, tahini, and garlic in olive oil.

Number 4: Hard Cheeses

What most cheeses have in common is high fat content; however, aged, hard cheeses such as cheddar, gruyere, and Romano are less nutritious, stripped of whey protein and vitamins.

Better choices are Mozzarella, Feta, and Cottage cheeses. They contain whey and are soft and creamy. Cottage cheese for example, is loaded with casein, a type of protein excellent for muscle growth.

Number 5: Cereals & Protein Bars

Similar to having Twinkies, cereals and bars are high in refined carbohydrates and starches with insignificant amounts of vitamins.

There are a handful of healthy cereals on the market. To keep on the right track, stick to ingredients containing whole grains such as oats and bran flakes, such as Muesli and Quaker oats.

Lastly, as food-for -thought, make smarter selections by choosing foods with higher-nutrient densities and less harmful additives. Knowing what ingredients should be in your food is a start to a healthier you.

luni, 15 iulie 2019

Bodybuilding Diet Tips and Help

For building your muscle mass, you will need to follow weight lifting exercises together with an appropriate bodybuilding diet plan to aid repair and rebuilding of the muscles.

For a good bodybuilding diet, eat lots of high-quality calories; but keep away from junk food no matter what. The amount of calories taken may be roughly calculated by multiplying your current weight in pounds by twenty. The body needs calories to fix the damage inflicted to the muscles while exercising. Having said that, if you're overweight then taking additional calories is not really advised.

Consume a number of foods. Aim to have meals with plenty of proteins and carbohydrates included. Consume protein regularly throughout the day; you should use chicken, eggs, milk, fish or even protein powder for your protein needs. Generally you need 1 - 2 grams of protein for each lb of one's weight.

You can take extra protein supplements for building muscles. Whey protein is one good option; it greatly assists with body building. Carbohydrates provide energy and support in replacing the nutrients lost during exercise. It should consist of about 50% of the diet.

Take in high quality carbohydrates. Consume oatmeal, brown rice and multigrain bread.

Take only healthy fats like those found in nuts, olive oil and flaxseed oil. Fats ought to comprise at the most 30% of one's diet.

Drinking lots of water is great for bodybuilding by keeping the body hydrated and aiding your training. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks.

Develop a practice of eating frequently. Consume 5 - 6 meals a day. However it does not mean to overeat; just make sure that you are feeding your body frequently. Don't let the body get hungry. It's important to ensure that your body will keep on repairing itself. Remember to never skip breakfast.

Eat plenty of fruits and veggies for supplying your body with plenty of vitamins and nutrients.

Some pointers to take care of in your muscle building diet plan:

Just remember to take in additional food more frequently. But do not overload yourself.

Try increasing the meal portions gradually. It may well be difficult to fill yourself with a large amount of food at one sitting however one can eat food which aid in adding mass to your muscle mass like milk, eggs, cheese etc. In addition, include bananas, peanut butter, whole grains, cereals, pasta, rice and potatoes in your eating routine.